How Exactly Does Double Glazed Windows Work


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
how exactly does double glazed windows work
Categories :Windows
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Double glazed windows are standard in most modern homes, but how do double glazed windows work? In this article, we look at what double glazing is, including how double glazing works and the benefits of double glazing.

What is Double Glazing?

A double glazed window uses two panes of glass instead of one. These two panes are separated by a space, which is often filled with air or gas like argon, to provide better thermal insulation throughout.

The sealed unit, also known as an Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), consists of:

  • Two panes of glass
  • A spacer bar separates the panes and creates a gap
  • A seal around the edges to keep the air or gas inside
  • Often, a drying agent material within the spacer bar absorbs any moisture and prevents condensation

This design improves energy efficiency by reducing heat loss, noise, and condensation compared to single glazed windows.

The Science Behind Double Glazing

Double glazing works by creating an insulating barrier using two panes of glass separated by an air gap. This air gap reduces heat transfer because air is a poor conductor of heat. The spacer bar maintains this gap and keeps the panes sealed, which prevents air or gas from escaping and moisture from entering. This design helps keep indoor temperatures stable, reduces noise, and prevents condensation.

Benefits of Double Glazing

There are many benefits of installing double glazed windows, including:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency – If you are seeking energy efficient home improvements, double glazing will retain heat as the air gap between the glass panes reduces heat transfer. This helps to keep indoor spaces warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
  • Reduced Energy Costs – Double glazing prevents heat escaping and, therefore, helps to reduce energy bills by keeping warm air in your home. This reduces your need to use central heating as much in the winter months and can, therefore, reduce your energy bills.
  • Enhanced Noise Reduction – Double glazing reduces external noise as the double layer of glass with the insulating air gap dampens sound waves, significantly reducing noise from outside. This is especially beneficial for homes in noisy areas.
  • Reduced Condensation on Windows – The sealed double glazed unit and the spacer bars help prevent moisture build-up between the panes, minimising condensation and keeping the windows clear.
  • Increased Window Strength and Security – Double glazing glass is harder to break than single glazed glass and offers better security against break-ins. The added thickness of the toughened glass also enhances the overall durability of the windows.


Double glazing windows use two panes of glass separated by an air gap to create an insulating barrier that reduces heat transfer, enhances noise reduction, prevents condensation, and increases window strength and security. Replacing your single glazing by fitting double glazed windows improves energy efficiency, can reduce heating bills, and creates a more comfortable home environment.

Consider upgrading to double glazed windows for these advantages. For expert advice and installation, reach out to Cosyhomes Windows to enhance your home’s efficiency and comfort.

How To Fill Cracks Around Window Frames


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
how to fill cracks around window frames
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Sealing window frame cracks is crucial for energy efficiency and comfort and should not be left unaddressed. It prevents drafts, can reduce energy bills, and excess moisture, which can cause mold and water damage elsewhere. Properly sealing cracks ensures long-lasting results, enhances window performance, and preserves your home’s value.

In this article, we’re going to look at the process of how to fill window frame cracks including the tools and materials you will need, as well as advice on filling the cracks.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Some tools and materials that you’ll need to repair cracks around the window frame are:

  • Caulk Gun: This is for applying caulk smoothly and evenly.
  • Utility Knife: To cut the caulk tube tip and remove old caulk.
  • Putty Knife: This is for scraping away old caulk and smoothing new caulk.
  • Cleaning Supplies: Such as cloths and soapy water to clean the area before sealing.
  • Masking Tape: Mask off areas and ensure clean caulk lines are used.

You may also need a backer rod to fill larger gaps or voids before applying caulk to ensure a more effective seal.

There are different types of caulking that you can use on a window frame when repairing:

  • Silicone: Best for non-porous surfaces like glass and metal, offering excellent flexibility and water resistance.
  • Acrylic Latex: Ideal for painted surfaces and easy to clean up with water, though less flexible than silicone.
  • Backer Rod: Ensure a proper seal is used to fill larger gaps before caulking.
  • Expanding Foam: Useful for sealing and insulating larger cracks and gaps.

Having these tools and materials on hand will help you seal cracks around your window frames effectively, enhancing your home’s efficiency and comfort.

Preparing the Work Area

To remove old caulk and debris from the crack:

  • Use a Utility Knife: Carefully cut along the old caulk to remove it from the crack.
  • Scrape Debris: Use the utility knife or a putty knife to scrape away any remaining old caulk and debris.
  • Clean with a Damp Cloth: Wipe the area clean with a damp cloth to remove dust, dirt, and residue. This ensures better adhesion for the new caulk.

Proper preparation is important for a successful repair as it ensures that the new caulk adheres well and forms a tight seal. Removing old caulk and debris allows the new caulk to bond properly with the surface, preventing air and moisture infiltration. A clean surface also results in a neater finish and prolongs the lifespan of the repair, contributing to the overall efficiency and longevity of your windows.

Filling the Cracks

For Small Cracks (using caulk):

To load the caulk gun, insert the tube and push the plunger forward. Cut the nozzle at a 45-degree angle, then squeeze the trigger while moving steadily along the crack. Finally, use a wet finger to smooth the caulk for a professional finish.

For Larger Gaps (using backer rod and caulk):

The backer rod prevents overfilling with caulk by controlling the depth of the sealant. To use it, press it into the gap, ensuring it’s slightly below the surface. Then, apply caulk on top, following the same method as before, for a smooth seal.


Properly sealing cracks around window frames offers your house numerous benefits, including improved energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and protection against moisture damage. If you feel that the cracking is a larger problem rather than a cosmetic issue, or there may be structural issues, contact Cosyhomes Windows for expert servicing and repairs. We can ensure your windows are properly sealed for optimal performance and longevity. Contact us here.

How To Measure Windows For Replacement


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how to measure windows for replacement
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Accurate measurements for replacement windows are essential for ensuring a proper fit, as this will affect insulation, security, and overall performance. When deciding to replace windows, consider factors such as the age of the windows, visible damage, and energy efficiency.

Old windows or those with cracks and leaks often lead to higher energy costs and reduced comfort, making window replacement a beneficial investment. Read on to find out how to size replacement windows.

When Is It Time To Replace Your Windows?

There are some common signs to look for to indicate when it is time to replace your windows. These include:

  1. Drafts: If you feel a noticeable draft near your windows even when they are closed, this indicates poor sealing or gaps. Your existing windows are not energy efficient and can lead to heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.
  2. Condensation: Persistent condensation or fogging between the panes of double or triple-glazed windows suggests that the seals have failed and moisture has filtered through, compromising the insulating properties.
  3. Difficulty Opening/Closing: Windows that are difficult to open or close or that don’t stay open can be a sign of warping, rusting, or other structural issues.
  4. Visible Damage: Cracks, chips, or warping in the window frames or glass not only diminish the window’s effectiveness but can also pose safety risks.
  5. Outside Noise: Increased noise from outside may indicate that your windows are no longer providing adequate noise insulation, which can be due to ageing or poor installation.

If you notice any or several of these issues with your windows, it’s time to consider replacement windows.

Tools You’ll Need

Tools that you will find useful when you measure for replacement windows are:

  • Tape Measure: For taking the window’s height, depth, and width measurements.
  • Level: To ensure the window frame is straight, and measurements are taken correctly.
  • Pencil and Paper: To write down window measurements and notes for reference, as well as organise and track measurements and details.
  • Ladder (if needed): To reach higher windows.
  • Torch: To see and measure in dimly lit areas.
  • Camera or Smartphone: To take photos for reference and ensure all details are documented visually.

Taking Measurements: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here is our guide for taking replacement window measurements:

Measure the Opening (Exterior Preferred):

Measuring the window opening from the exterior is more accurate as it reflects the true size needed for a proper fit. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Width Measurement:
  • Take three measurements: top, middle, and bottom of the window opening.
  • Record the smallest measurement to ensure the window fits snugly.
  1. Height Measurement:
  • Measure the height at three points: left, centre, and right side of the window opening.
  • Again, use the smallest measurement for ordering.
  1. Diagonal Measurement (Optional but recommended):
  • Measure both diagonals to ensure the opening is square. Significant discrepancies may indicate a need for additional adjustments.


To ensure correct measurements for new or replacement windows, it’s important to take each measurement more than once to ensure that new windows will fit perfectly. If you are unsure or don’t feel confident doing this yourself, contact a professional installer who can assist you.

For professional help, trust Cosyhomes Windows. Visit our website for expert assistance.

How To Correctly Measure Window Hinges


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
how to correctly measure window hinges
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Knowing how to measure window hinges is important when making replacements, installing, or performing a maintenance check.

In this article, we examine how to identify the different types of window hinges, the tools required to measure them, and how to avoid common measuring mistakes.

Understanding Window Hinges

Window hinges vary depending on the length of the hinge, the type of window and the material used. Common types include standard hinges for traditional windows, double-glazed hinges for windows with double panes, and UPVC hinges for UPVC windows. It’s important to ensure that you match the correct hinge type for replacement due to:

  • Compatibility: Different hinges are designed for specific window materials and styles, ensuring proper fit and function.
  • Functionality: Each hinge type is designed to provide optimal performance, ensuring smooth operation and proper sealing.
  • Energy Efficiency: Using the right hinge maintains insulation properties, contributing to energy efficiency.
  • Safety and Security: Properly matched hinges enhance window stability and security, preventing potential vulnerabilities.

Tools Required for Measuring Hinges

When replacing window hinges, you will need several tools for accurate window hinge measurements. These include:

  • Tape Measure: Essential for measuring hinge dimensions and screw hole spacing accurately.
  • Screwdriver: Used to remove existing hinges and facilitate measurement and replacement.
  • Pencil or Marker: Helps mark measurement points on window frame and hinges for alignment.
  • Level: Ensures proper alignment of window frame and hinges during measurement.
  • Paper and Pen: Record measurements and notes for reference during installation.

These tools work together to ensure precise measurements, which are crucial for successful hinge replacement or installation.

How to Measure Window Hinges

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to measure window hinges accurately:

1. Identify Hinge Type and Gather Tools:

  • Identify the hinge type and window frame material.
  • Have your tape measure, screwdriver, pencil, level, and paper to write on to hand.

2. Remove Existing Hinges (if needed):

  • Use a screwdriver to carefully remove existing hinges, noting orientation.

3. Measure Hinge Length, Width, and Screw Hole Spacing:

  • Use a tape measure to determine dimensions and screw hole spacing.
  • Measure from outer edges and record measurements.

4. Assess Offset and Stack Height (if applicable):

  • Note any offset or stack height for hinge operation.

5. Record Measurements and Consider Frame Compatibility:

  • Record measurements and frame thickness.
  • Ensure compatibility for replacement hinges.

6. Double-Check Measurements and Align (if necessary):

  • Double-check all measurements and alignment.
  • Use a level for proper alignment if installing new hinges.

Following these steps will ensure accurate measurements for successful window hinge replacement or installation. Adjust techniques for different hinge sizes and frame types as needed.

If you are still unsure after reading this guide or have attempted an unsuccessful replacement, don’t hesitate to contact us at Cosyhomes Windows. We offer a range of window repairs and servicing and can advise you on the best course of action.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Measuring Window Hinges

Some common mistakes can be easily avoided when it comes to measuring window hinges, including:

  • inaccurate measurement technique
  • incorrect identification of hinge type
  • failure to account for frame compatibility
  • neglecting to note screw hole spacing
  • not recording measurements.


Measuring window hinges accurately is essential for seamless replacement or installation. Failure to do so will directly impact window operation, security, and energy efficiency. Overlooking precise dimensions and alignment can lead to operational issues and compromised performance.

If in doubt, it is always best to consult experienced professionals and we are happy to provide further assistance.

How To Stop VELUX Windows From Leaking


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
How To Stop VELUX Windows From Leaking
Categories :Windows

VELUX windows are roof windows that fit particularly well in rooms such as lofts and rooms with pitched roofs. These vertical windows let in more natural light, enhance roof ventilation, and are a great addition to your home.

As with any windows, if you notice any problems such as water coming in during wet weather, it’s important to address the problem promptly to prevent further damage.

In this article, we look at how to identify the problem area and source of the leak, common causes of VELUX window leaking, and how to fix the problem.

Identifying the Source of the Leak

Identifying leaking VELUX windows is important to prevent leaks and potential damage.

To identify the source of the leak:

  • Look for water stains, dampness, or visible drips near the leaking window.
  • Inspect the exterior for damaged roofing, roof tiles, or gaps around the frame.
  • Check the seal for wear and tear, and examine the interior for water damage.
  • During heavy rain, observe the window for leaks. If the VELUX windows leaking continues, check the window flashing for gaps.

Common Causes of VELUX Window Leaks

Common causes of a leaking VELUX window include:

  • Faulty installation or maintenance.
  • Damaged flashings.
  • Damage to the roof structure.
  • Humidity levels and internal condensation.

Fixing VELUX Window Leaks: A DIY Guide

Fixing VELUX roof windows yourself can save you time and money. Here are some DIY methods you can follow, with safety in mind:

  1. Prioritise Safety:
    • Wear protective gear, such as gloves and safety glasses.
    • Use a stable ladder with assistance. Make sure you have someone on hand to help you.
    • Be aware of any electrical cables near the window frame.
  2. Check the Exterior:
    • Inspect to see if you have a damaged roof. Even damage to a single tile could cause a problem in bad weather conditions, such as a leaking roof or roof window.
    • Seal any gaps around the window with caulk.
  3. Roof Repair:
    • Replace any missing shingles. You may want to consult a local roofer to ensure this is installed correctly.
  4. Inspect the Seals:
    • Check for worn or torn window seals, replacing these where necessary.
  5. Check the Interior:
    • Repair any interior damage with waterproof filler.
  6. Inspect the Flashing:
    • Seal any gaps in the outer flashing with roofing cement or tape.
  7. Adjust the Window Seal:
    • Ensure proper alignment and adjust if needed.
  8. Condensation Control:
    • Improve ventilation and consider a dehumidifier to prevent condensation.
  9. Gutter Maintenance:
    • Clean your gutters regularly and ensure proper drainage.
  10. Roof Slope Correction:
    • Consult a professional for a structural assessment.

If you decide to attempt any repairs yourself, always prioritise safety and seek professional help if you are unsure. Cosyhomes Windows offers a range of window repairs and can advise you on the best course of action.


Regular maintenance is crucial to avoid future issues. Consider seeking skilled experts like Cosyhomes Windows for professional inspections and repairs. Regular care enhances the lifespan of your VELUX window and safeguards your home against water damage, ensuring your roof window remains in good condition.

How To Fix A Broken Window Lock Easily


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
How To Fix A Broken Window Lock Easily
Categories :Windows

Home security is important all year round, especially during the festive season when you may be out of the house more and thieves are more active.

As well as securing your doors, it’s also essential to secure your windows and fix any broken locking mechanism. A broken window, whether it’s a lock or window handle, can be a worry. UPVC windows’ locks have a lifespan of 5-8 years on average however, as they are a moving part they are more prone to wear and tear than a window frame for example.

In this article, we’re going to look at how to fix window locking mechanism easily and give you peace of mind this holiday season, so you leave no window open but all are locked shut to secure your home.

Identifying the Type of Window Lock

If one of your windows has a broken mechanism, there’s no need to immediately think that you need to replace the entire window. Firstly, identify what type of window lock your window has. Below are some popular designs:

Sash locks

A sash window lock stops the window from being opened from the outside. Unlike some other windows, a sash lock doesn’t act as a handle latch and you need to slide the lock up to open the window.

Casement locks

To identify a casement lock on a window, look for a window handle or lever mechanism typically located along the window’s vertical or horizontal edge, allowing you to open your window and close and lock it securely in a swinging motion.

Sliding window locks

To identify a sliding window lock, check for a latch or lever usually positioned on the horizontal track of the window frame, enabling it to be locked shut by locking the sliding panel.

Gathering Necessary Tools and Materials

Once you have identified your UPVC window lock, you can gather the tools you need to make your repair.

The tools you need include:

  • Screwdriver – For removing screws from the existing lock.
  • A replacement window lock – Make sure that you ensure it matches the size and type of your existing one.
  • Tape measure – To measure dimensions for proper alignment and position.
  • A pencil or pen – For marking positions and aligning the new lock accurately.

Depending on the specific type of window lock and installation requirements, you might also need:

  • A drill – If new holes need to be drilled for the installation.
  • Drill bits – Matching the size required for the screws or bolts.

Step-by-Step Repair Instructions

  1. Start by gathering the tools required, including your screwdriver, tape measure, pencil, and the replacement window lock.
  2. Remove your old lock – Unscrew and remove the existing window lock with the screwdriver.
  3. Measure and align – Use the measuring tape to determine the proper placement for the new lock. Mark the position with a pencil.
  4. Prepare your new lock – Ensure the replacement window lock matches the size and type of the old one.
  5. Drill holes (if needed) – If the new lock requires different screw placements, use a drill and appropriate drill bits to create holes in the marked positions.
  6. Install your new lock – Attach the replacement lock using the provided screws or bolts. Tighten securely with the screwdriver to make sure it is attached.
  7. Test – Test the opening mechanism and confirm that the new window lock functions correctly. A jammed or stuck window is sign that there is a problem with the repair.
  8. Adjust if needed – If the lock feels too tight or loose, make any necessary adjustments according to the lock’s instructions.
  9. Contact a professional, if there are repair issues. Cosyhomes Windows offer the best service in Surrey and are highly experienced in repairs for a window mechanism that needs fixing.

We hope that you found this article useful in helping you to identify and replace double glazed windows’ locks.

If you need expert advice, we can help. We are highly experienced UPVC window professionals and can replace and repair windows that have broken locks, are jammed shut, or are stuck in an open position.

Give us a call now on 0208 397 4040 or contact us via our online form and one of our team will get back to you shortly. And remember, keep your home secure this Christmas.

The Benefits Of Upgrading To Energy-Efficient Windows


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
The Benefits Of Upgrading To Energy-Efficient Windows
Categories :Windows

As a homeowner we’re sure you’re always thinking of ways to reduce your outgoings, including your energy bills. Particularly at the moment, with the cost of living and energy prices in particular rising markedly in the past year.

The good news is, there are some things you can do to help improve energy efficiency, including upgrading your current windows to new energy efficient windows. There are many benefits of energy efficient windows, from helping to reduce your energy bills to improved comfort, and greater protection for the sun’s rays. So if you’re considering double and triple glazing, read on to find out more.

Lower Energy Bills

As the name suggests, energy-efficient windows are energy saving windows. Due to their insulating properties, they are more efficient windows and can help you to save money on your energy bills. Did you know, that up to 25% of the heat in your home is lost through poorly insulated windows and doors?

By upgrading to energy efficient double glazing or even triple glazing, your replacement windows have the potential to save you up to £175 per year on your energy bills. They will also reduce your carbon footprint as you are reducing your energy consumption and keep heat in your home.

Improved Comfort

Installing energy efficient will save energy and make your home more comfortable throughout the year.

Have you been using heavy curtains to keep keep your home warm in the winter? The benefits of energy efficient windows are that the temperature in your home will be better regulated with double-glazing and make your home more comfortable than conventional windows.

Reduction in drafts, less condensation & hot spots

As the temperature reduces in cold weather you may notice that some of your windows and doors are not doing a good job of keeping out the drafts due to gaps in the window frames. Perhaps you notice condensation forming between the panes of glass or that certain rooms are a hot spot. These are all down to inefficiencies in your current windows.

Energy-efficient window replacement will help with to improve all of this.

Increased insulation properties

Another one of the benefits of energy-efficient double-glazed windows is their excellent insulation properties. Double-glazed and triple-glazed windows reduce heat loss due to their extra glass panes, which enclose a cavity of dry, still air between the extra sheets of glass. Something which cannot be achieved with single-glazed windows.

Better temperature regulation

Old windows, weaker frame material, and single glazing are not as thermally efficient as new windows. By upgrading to more energy-efficient windows or having your current windows serviced or repaired, you can maintain a comfortable temperature all year round. The extra layer of glass will mean potential savings on your bills.

UV Protection

UV rays can not only be dangerous for for individuals but also for the items in your home, including furniture and fabrics. The special coating in more energy-efficient windows protects items from harmful UV rays. This unique coating is not something that you will find in single pane windows.

Noise Reduction & Noise Protection

If you live in a busy area, unwanted noise in your home such as traffic noise can be annoying. Double and tripe glazed windows are fantastic at reducing external noise and helping to soundproof your home.


The initial investment of upgrading to new window installations and adding secondary glazing will have a variety of benefits over time, including reduced maintenance, reduced condensation, reduced energy use, energy savings, and improved heating and cooling in your home.

Whether you are planning a home improvement project or you’d like to discuss upgrading your current windows, we are highly experienced in installing energy efficient windows. Don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your double glazing requirements.

Preparing For A New Window & Door Installation


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Preparing For A New Window & Door Installation
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There are many reasons you might want to replace your windows and doors. From damage, the need to update, or switching to more energy-efficient windows. And although you may be hesitant due to the upheaval it might cause, with preparation, it can be hassle-free.

We’ve put together some tips on how to get ready – from measuring and ordering to clearing your driveway to allow for easy access, the process can be made easy. Read on to find out more.

Tips on how to get ready for a new window and door installation

Measure and Order the Correct Size

It may sound obvious but the first place to start is to measure your existing windows and doors. We’ve written a guide to show you how to do this here.

The measurements you need to take will be different, depending on whether you’re replacing the door and window frames or just the glass. This will also affect the window replacement costs and installation costs.

Once you have taken your measurements it’s time to order the correct size. We’re happy to help you with this and can do so over the phone.

Schedule Installation at the Right Time

Make the process easy on yourself and your family by scheduling the installation at a convenient time. We can work with you to arrange a time that doesn’t disrupt your routine too much. For safety, it’s best to keep any children or pets out of the way during the installation. The average installation is completed within one day.

Provide Easy Access to Windows and Doors

Make sure access to your home is easy for the installation technicians, with the areas around windows and doors clutter-free. Remove any delicate items, as well as electrical equipment and plants.

Remove Blinds and Curtains

Before any work can start, you will need to remove blinds and curtains from your windows and doors. Place them in an area away from where the work is being done until they can be put back up.

Move Furniture and Other Items near the Working Area

As well as removing delicate items, make sure to move any furniture well away from the working area. This is to make the area as easy to work in as possible and avoid damage to furniture.

Clear Your Driveway

Make sure that your driveway is clear and there is sufficient space for unloading and loading of doors and windows. This makes the job so much easier and quicker.

Shut off Alarm Systems during Installation

As installation technicians will be in and out of your home during the day, make sure to turn off your alarm system to minimise disturbance to your neighbours. Try to be at home or ask a family member or neighbour to be on hand for peace of mind.

Take care of your pets

Make sure you keep pets safe during the day of the installation. Doors will be open and installation technicians will be in and out throughout the day. Make plans for them to be in an area away from the work or with a friend for the day.

Use Dust Covers Where Necessary

The installation of new windows and doors can get dusty. We try to minimise mess as much as we can but advise using dust covers to reduce this.

Expert help and advice

We hope that you’ve found this article a useful overview of how to prepare for new window and door installations. For expert advice and any questions regarding this don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

How To Stop Condensation On Windows


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
How To Stop Condensation On Windows
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Condensation on windows is a very common problem in many homes. Whether you rent or own your home, it’s useful to know how to get rid of and prevent condensation. In this article, we’re going to look at how condensation forms on windows and tips on how to reduce it. Read on to find out more.

How Condensation Forms on Windows

Condensation is more likely to occur in colder months and is the result of water vapour in the air. When this excess vapour becomes liquid, it results in condensation.

When condensation appears on the windows in your home, it is due to this vapour coming into contact with the cold surface of the glass in your windows.

If you have double-glazed windows, when condensation appears on the outside this actually means that your windows are working efficiently. However, if you notice condensation between the panes of glass in your windows, there could be a problem with your double glazing. If you notice this, it’s best to contact a professional who will be able to help determine the problem.

Tips on how to reduce condensation on windows

Getting rid of condensation depends on what is causing it. We’ve put together some tips to help reduce condensation, some of which you may already be doing.

Improve Ventilation

It’s important to make sure that your home is well-ventilated, particularly in rooms such as bathrooms where there is a regular change in temperature due to baths and showers. Make sure to regularly open your windows to let the air circulate. Bathrooms and shower rooms without windows often have an extractor fan. Make sure to use this regularly, particularly after using the room to get rid of excess moisture in the air.

Contol Humidity

Controlling humidity in your home is a good way to control condensation. Humidifiers can help if the air is too dry and a dehumidifier can control humid air.

Insulate Your Windows

Just as making sure the walls of your home are properly insulated is important, making sure that your windows are is too. We offer double and triple glazing, both of which are excellent ways to reduce the temperature differences between the inside and outside of your windows, which will help to prevent condensation from forming. It will also improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Keep Windows Clean

Keeping your windows clean will help to reduce condensation. It will also help you to keep an eye on the condition of your windows, making it easier to spot any weaknesses in the frame or glass. See our recent article on The Best Way to Clean Your Windows for advice.

Keep Your Window Coverings Open

Make sure to leave your window coverings open at all times to allow the air to circulate freely and, in turn, reduce condensation.

Expert help and advice

We hope that you’ve found this article a useful overview of how to stop condensation on your windows. Making a few changes, such as cleaning your windows regularly and letting air circulate freely in your home, could vastly reduce condensation.

For expert advice and any questions regarding controlling condensation in your home, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Types Of Glass Finishes For Your Home


Posted By : Rachel Bownds 0 Comment
Types Of Glass Finishes For Your Home
Categories :Windows

Glass is naturally transparent and clear glass is what you’d typically expect to find in your home. Did you know that there are many other finishes available though? Different types of glass can be used for better insulation, privacy, and protection.

In this article we’re going to look at what glass finishes are, the different types available, and why you might want to use them.

What are glass finishes?

A finish is the surface style of glass. You may be familiar with two categories – clear glass and privacy glass. You might want to have a style of privacy glass in areas of your home such as your front door or bathroom. This could mean it is frosted, patterned, or even tinted glass.

Whatever finish you have, natural light will still shine through.

Methods of creating glass finishes

When glass has a finish to it, it has been treated to make it less transparent. There are several ways that this can be done:

  • Sandblasting – With sandblasting, the surface of the glass is, as you may expect by the name, blasted with sand at high speed. This method scratches the glass and as a result the glass is less transparent.
  • Acid etching – Acid etching glass means that the glass is treated with hydrofluoric acid. This is corrosive and gives the glass a smooth frosted look.
  • Films – A film is the easiest way to alter the look of your windows and doors. A self-adhesive film is applied to the glass pane. The great thing about films is that they are not permanent, so can be changed as often as you like.

Types of glass finishes

Tempered glass

Stronger than standard glass, tempered glass is commonly used in front door glass. If broken, it is designed to shatter into small pieces without jagged edges. Making it a safer option for glass doors.

Frosted glass

Frosted glass is just that – glass that appears to have a frosted look. This finish can be applied to the while panel or just part of it and is a great way to add more privacy.

Satin glass

Satin glass is similar to frosted glass, only it is smoother and less shiny, and is another good way to create privacy.

Textured glass

Textured glass is any glass that has an embossed design or is bubbled.

Expert help and advice

As a homeowner, it can be helpful to talk to a windows expert and we’re here to offer our expertise. Our highly-skilled team can talk through your needs and advise you on the best option for your home.

We hope that you’ve found this article useful. Contact us today with any questions, or to arrange a consultation.